For every crop a solution
We use high-tech autonomous systems to deliver solutions for the large-scale, efficient and circular production of any crop, no matter what the climate.
Thanks to our in-house R&D team, we are continuously pushing the boundaries. Our specialists combine expertise in a wide range of fields ranging from plant physiology and mechanical systems to climate, water and energy. We engage in intensive collaborations with renowned knowledge institutions, such as Wageningen University, TU Delft and TNO. Our goal is to be and remain a leader in the development of innovative and efficient high-tech solutions, while achieving as much circularity as possible.
Water efficient greenhouses
Water recycling and reuse are indispensable components of Van der Hoeven projects: essential to save on costs, while also harnessing one of the planet’s most valuable resources.
Horticulture already requires less irrigation water than open-field agriculture, but with the right combination of smart design and cutting-edge technologies the water demand can be reduced even further, in Van der Hoeven's high-tech systems approaching almost zero.
Achieving progress in every area
Our R&D team is continuously focused on making progress in every area. For example, it is currently working on climate control, where alternative energy sources could one day render fossil-fuel consumption obsolete. Combined with the revolutionary ModulAIR system, ideal greenhouse conditions are a reality even in regions with extremely challenging climates. By reusing residual flows, a modern greenhouse company can minimize its need for water and fertilizers. It is also possible to reuse industrial water in certain locations, or to desalinate sea water or use sea water for cooling. Some of Van der Hoeven’s research is even concentrated on recondensing the water that evaporates from crops.
Our focus areas
Climate control
- Efficient solutions for hot and humid climates
- Patented night-cooling
- Patent on proprietary, more efficient semi-closed ModulAIR concept
- Homogenous airflow
- Patented ventilation ridge
- Own testing and verification of climate system as input for our advisory models
Water efficiency
- Develop and implement technology (see image below)
- Own exclusive verified quality water table as input for advisory
- Innovative (published) water solutions
Cultivation systems
- Moving Gully System (MGS) for leafy greens
- Semi-closed strawberry greenhouses
- Patented concept
Autonomous growing including sensoring with our partner Source
- Maximizing the ROI for clients during operations, by risk reduction and maximizing efficiency