
Many aspects come together when designing a CEA production project.

After all, cultivation brings together various departments and specialisms. The greenhouse will only run perfectly when all the aspects are optimally integrated with each other. At Van der Hoeven, we have expertise in all of these essential aspects, thanks to our in-house design and engineering departments. We combine all the knowledge we have gained from pioneering engineering projects to build optimally performing greenhouses.

We always work as a team, no matter what. Our engineers, R&D specialists, sustainability specialists and technicians inspire each other to achieve the very best results possible. Our experience as a system integrator guarantees that all of the components in a greenhouse – such as climate control, irrigation, screening, automation and internal cultivation systems – are optimally attuned to each other. The greenhouse’s specifications will also be perfectly aligned with your climate zone and growth period, whether all year round or for just part of the year.

Quality guaranteed

Each project is engineered according to the most recent structural standards, using tools such as the CASTA calculation programme. We also work according to the HortiQ standard, which sets requirements for the design process and construction of greenhouses. Moreover, our designs are in accordance with national or local legislation and regulations. Van der Hoeven’s global experience ensures that we effectively integrate local challenges – from snow load to the risk of earthquakes – in every project. This makes it possible for us to draw up a future-proof design for even the most challenging of climates.

Keeping our expertise up-to-date

The expertise of our engineers is continuously maintained at the highest level. Thanks to our collaborative ventures and exchanging knowledge and experience with external partners, such as Wageningen University, TU Delft and TNO, Van der Hoeven always has access to the most up-to-date insights.